// tests against the current jqLite/jquery implementation if this can be an element function validElementString(string) { try { return angular.element(string).length !== 0; } catch (any) { return false; } } // setup the global contstant functions for setting up the toolbar // all tool definitions var taTools = {}; /* A tool definition is an object with the following key/value parameters: action: [function(deferred, restoreSelection)] a function that is executed on clicking on the button - this will allways be executed using ng-click and will overwrite any ng-click value in the display attribute. The function is passed a deferred object ($q.defer()), if this is wanted to be used `return false;` from the action and manually call `deferred.resolve();` elsewhere to notify the editor that the action has finished. restoreSelection is only defined if the rangy library is included and it can be called as `restoreSelection()` to restore the users selection in the WYSIWYG editor. display: [string]? Optional, an HTML element to be displayed as the button. The `scope` of the button is the tool definition object with some additional functions If set this will cause buttontext and iconclass to be ignored class: [string]? Optional, if set will override the taOptions.classes.toolbarButton class. buttontext: [string]? if this is defined it will replace the contents of the element contained in the `display` element iconclass: [string]? if this is defined an icon () will be appended to the `display` element with this string as it's class tooltiptext: [string]? Optional, a plain text description of the action, used for the title attribute of the action button in the toolbar by default. activestate: [function(commonElement)]? this function is called on every caret movement, if it returns true then the class taOptions.classes.toolbarButtonActive will be applied to the `display` element, else the class will be removed disabled: [function()]? if this function returns true then the tool will have the class taOptions.classes.disabled applied to it, else it will be removed Other functions available on the scope are: name: [string] the name of the tool, this is the first parameter passed into taRegisterTool isDisabled: [function()] returns true if the tool is disabled, false if it isn't displayActiveToolClass: [function(boolean)] returns true if the tool is 'active' in the currently focussed toolbar onElementSelect: [Object] This object contains the following key/value pairs and is used to trigger the ta-element-select event element: [String] an element name, will only trigger the onElementSelect action if the tagName of the element matches this string filter: [function(element)]? an optional filter that returns a boolean, if true it will trigger the onElementSelect. action: [function(event, element, editorScope)] the action that should be executed if the onElementSelect function runs */ // name and toolDefinition to add into the tools available to be added on the toolbar function registerTextAngularTool(name, toolDefinition) { if (!name || name === '' || taTools.hasOwnProperty(name)) throw ('textAngular Error: A unique name is required for a Tool Definition'); if ( (toolDefinition.display && (toolDefinition.display === '' || !validElementString(toolDefinition.display))) || (!toolDefinition.display && !toolDefinition.buttontext && !toolDefinition.iconclass) ) throw ('textAngular Error: Tool Definition for "' + name + '" does not have a valid display/iconclass/buttontext value'); taTools[name] = toolDefinition; } angular.module('textAngularSetup', []) .constant('taRegisterTool', registerTextAngularTool) .value('taTools', taTools) // Here we set up the global display defaults, to set your own use a angular $provider#decorator. .value('taOptions', { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // forceTextAngularSanitize // set false to allow the textAngular-sanitize provider to be replaced // with angular-sanitize or a custom provider. forceTextAngularSanitize: true, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // keyMappings // allow customizable keyMappings for specialized key boards or languages // // keyMappings provides key mappings that are attached to a given commandKeyCode. // To modify a specific keyboard binding, simply provide function which returns true // for the event you wish to map to. // Or to disable a specific keyboard binding, provide a function which returns false. // Note: 'RedoKey' and 'UndoKey' are internally bound to the redo and undo functionality. // At present, the following commandKeyCodes are in use: // 98, 'TabKey', 'ShiftTabKey', 105, 117, 'UndoKey', 'RedoKey' // // To map to an new commandKeyCode, add a new key mapping such as: // {commandKeyCode: 'CustomKey', testForKey: function (event) { // if (event.keyCode=57 && event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey) return true; // } } // to the keyMappings. This example maps ctrl+9 to 'CustomKey' // Then where taRegisterTool(...) is called, add a commandKeyCode: 'CustomKey' and your // tool will be bound to ctrl+9. // // To disble one of the already bound commandKeyCodes such as 'RedoKey' or 'UndoKey' add: // {commandKeyCode: 'RedoKey', testForKey: function (event) { return false; } }, // {commandKeyCode: 'UndoKey', testForKey: function (event) { return false; } }, // to disable them. // keyMappings: [], toolbar: [ ["bold", "italics", "underline"], ['insertLink'], ["justifyLeft", "justifyCenter", "justifyRight"], ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "p", "pre", "quote", "ul", "ol"] ], classes: { focussed: "focussed", toolbar: "btn-toolbar", toolbarGroup: "btn-group", toolbarButton: "btn btn-default btn-xs", toolbarButtonActive: "active", disabled: "disabled", textEditor: "form-control", htmlEditor: "form-control" }, defaultTagAttributes: { a: { target: "" } }, setup: { // wysiwyg mode textEditorSetup: function ($element) { /* Do some processing here */ }, // raw html htmlEditorSetup: function ($element) { /* Do some processing here */ } }, defaultFileDropHandler: /* istanbul ignore next: untestable image processing */ function (file, insertAction) { var reader = new FileReader(); if (file.type.substring(0, 5) === 'image') { reader.onload = function () { if (reader.result !== '') insertAction('insertImage', reader.result, true); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); // NOTE: For async procedures return a promise and resolve it when the editor should update the model. return true; } return false; } }) // This is the element selector string that is used to catch click events within a taBind, prevents the default and $emits a 'ta-element-select' event // these are individually used in an angular.element().find() call. What can go here depends on whether you have full jQuery loaded or just jQLite with angularjs. // div is only used as div.ta-insert-video caught in filter. .value('taSelectableElements', ['a', 'img']) // This is an array of objects with the following options: // selector: a jqLite or jQuery selector string // customAttribute: an attribute to search for // renderLogic: // Both or one of selector and customAttribute must be defined. .value('taCustomRenderers', [ { // Parse back out: '
' // To correct video element. For now only support youtube selector: 'img', customAttribute: 'ta-insert-video', renderLogic: function (element) { var iframe = angular.element(''); var attributes = element.prop("attributes"); // loop through element attributes and apply them on iframe angular.forEach(attributes, function (attr) { iframe.attr(attr.name, attr.value); }); iframe.attr('src', iframe.attr('ta-insert-video')); element.replaceWith(iframe); } } ]) .value('taTranslations', { // moved to sub-elements //toggleHTML: "Toggle HTML", //insertImage: "Please enter a image URL to insert", //insertLink: "Please enter a URL to insert", //insertVideo: "Please enter a youtube URL to embed", html: { tooltip: 'Toggle html / Rich Text' }, // tooltip for heading - might be worth splitting heading: { tooltip: 'Heading ' }, p: { tooltip: 'Paragraph' }, pre: { tooltip: 'Preformatted text' }, ul: { tooltip: 'Unordered List' }, ol: { tooltip: 'Ordered List' }, quote: { tooltip: 'Quote/unquote selection or paragraph' }, undo: { tooltip: 'Undo' }, redo: { tooltip: 'Redo' }, bold: { tooltip: 'Bold' }, italic: { tooltip: 'Italic' }, underline: { tooltip: 'Underline' }, strikeThrough: { tooltip: 'Strikethrough' }, justifyLeft: { tooltip: 'Align text left' }, justifyRight: { tooltip: 'Align text right' }, justifyFull: { tooltip: 'Justify text' }, justifyCenter: { tooltip: 'Center' }, indent: { tooltip: 'Increase indent' }, outdent: { tooltip: 'Decrease indent' }, clear: { tooltip: 'Clear formatting' }, insertImage: { dialogPrompt: 'Please enter an image URL to insert', tooltip: 'Insert image', hotkey: 'the - possibly language dependent hotkey ... for some future implementation' }, insertVideo: { tooltip: 'Insert video', dialogPrompt: 'Please enter a youtube URL to embed' }, insertLink: { tooltip: 'Insert / edit link', dialogPrompt: "Please enter a URL to insert" }, editLink: { reLinkButton: { tooltip: "Relink" }, unLinkButton: { tooltip: "Unlink" }, targetToggle: { buttontext: "Open in New Window" } }, wordcount: { tooltip: 'Display words Count' }, charcount: { tooltip: 'Display characters Count' } }) .factory('taToolFunctions', ['$window', 'taTranslations', function ($window, taTranslations) { return { imgOnSelectAction: function (event, $element, editorScope) { // setup the editor toolbar // Credit to the work at http://hackerwins.github.io/summernote/ for this editbar logic/display var finishEdit = function () { editorScope.updateTaBindtaTextElement(); editorScope.hidePopover(); }; event.preventDefault(); editorScope.displayElements.popover.css('width', '375px'); var container = editorScope.displayElements.popoverContainer; container.empty(); var buttonGroup = angular.element('
'); var fullButton = angular.element(''); fullButton.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $element.css({ 'width': '100%', 'height': '' }); finishEdit(); }); var halfButton = angular.element(''); halfButton.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $element.css({ 'width': '50%', 'height': '' }); finishEdit(); }); var quartButton = angular.element(''); quartButton.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $element.css({ 'width': '25%', 'height': '' }); finishEdit(); }); var resetButton = angular.element(''); resetButton.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $element.css({ width: '', height: '' }); finishEdit(); }); buttonGroup.append(fullButton); buttonGroup.append(halfButton); buttonGroup.append(quartButton); buttonGroup.append(resetButton); container.append(buttonGroup); buttonGroup = angular.element('
'); var floatLeft = angular.element(''); floatLeft.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // webkit $element.css('float', 'left'); // firefox $element.css('cssFloat', 'left'); // IE < 8 $element.css('styleFloat', 'left'); finishEdit(); }); var floatRight = angular.element(''); floatRight.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // webkit $element.css('float', 'right'); // firefox $element.css('cssFloat', 'right'); // IE < 8 $element.css('styleFloat', 'right'); finishEdit(); }); var floatNone = angular.element(''); floatNone.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // webkit $element.css('float', ''); // firefox $element.css('cssFloat', ''); // IE < 8 $element.css('styleFloat', ''); finishEdit(); }); buttonGroup.append(floatLeft); buttonGroup.append(floatNone); buttonGroup.append(floatRight); container.append(buttonGroup); buttonGroup = angular.element('
'); var remove = angular.element(''); remove.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $element.remove(); finishEdit(); }); buttonGroup.append(remove); container.append(buttonGroup); editorScope.showPopover($element); editorScope.showResizeOverlay($element); }, aOnSelectAction: function (event, $element, editorScope) { // setup the editor toolbar // Credit to the work at http://hackerwins.github.io/summernote/ for this editbar logic event.preventDefault(); editorScope.displayElements.popover.css('width', '436px'); var container = editorScope.displayElements.popoverContainer; container.empty(); container.css('line-height', '28px'); var link = angular.element('' + $element.attr('href') + ''); link.css({ 'display': 'inline-block', 'max-width': '200px', 'overflow': 'hidden', 'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'white-space': 'nowrap', 'vertical-align': 'middle' }); container.append(link); var buttonGroup = angular.element('
'); var reLinkButton = angular.element(''); reLinkButton.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var urlLink = $window.prompt(taTranslations.insertLink.dialogPrompt, $element.attr('href')); if (urlLink && urlLink !== '' && urlLink !== 'http://') { $element.attr('href', urlLink); editorScope.updateTaBindtaTextElement(); } editorScope.hidePopover(); }); buttonGroup.append(reLinkButton); var unLinkButton = angular.element(''); // directly before this click event is fired a digest is fired off whereby the reference to $element is orphaned off unLinkButton.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $element.replaceWith($element.contents()); editorScope.updateTaBindtaTextElement(); editorScope.hidePopover(); }); buttonGroup.append(unLinkButton); var targetToggle = angular.element(''); if ($element.attr('target') === '_blank') { targetToggle.addClass('active'); } targetToggle.on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $element.attr('target', ($element.attr('target') === '_blank') ? '' : '_blank'); targetToggle.toggleClass('active'); editorScope.updateTaBindtaTextElement(); }); buttonGroup.append(targetToggle); container.append(buttonGroup); editorScope.showPopover($element); }, extractYoutubeVideoId: function (url) { var re = /(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com\/(?:[^\/\n\s]+\/\S+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|\S*?[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})/i; var match = url.match(re); return (match && match[1]) || null; } }; }]) .run(['taRegisterTool', '$window', 'taTranslations', 'taSelection', 'taToolFunctions', '$sanitize', 'taOptions', function (taRegisterTool, $window, taTranslations, taSelection, taToolFunctions, $sanitize, taOptions) { // test for the version of $sanitize that is in use // You can disable this check by setting taOptions.textAngularSanitize == false var gv = {}; $sanitize('', gv); /* istanbul ignore next, throws error */ if ((taOptions.forceTextAngularSanitize === true) && (gv.version !== 'taSanitize')) { throw angular.$$minErr('textAngular')("textAngularSetup", "The textAngular-sanitize provider has been replaced by another -- have you included angular-sanitize by mistake?"); } taRegisterTool("html", { iconclass: 'fa fa-code', tooltiptext: taTranslations.html.tooltip, action: function () { this.$editor().switchView(); }, activeState: function () { return this.$editor().showHtml; } }); // add the Header tools // convenience functions so that the loop works correctly var _retActiveStateFunction = function (q) { return function () { return this.$editor().queryFormatBlockState(q); }; }; var headerAction = function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("formatBlock", "<" + this.name.toUpperCase() + ">"); }; angular.forEach(['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'], function (h) { taRegisterTool(h.toLowerCase(), { buttontext: h.toUpperCase(), tooltiptext: taTranslations.heading.tooltip + h.charAt(1), action: headerAction, activeState: _retActiveStateFunction(h.toLowerCase()) }); }); taRegisterTool('p', { buttontext: 'P', tooltiptext: taTranslations.p.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("formatBlock", "

"); }, activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryFormatBlockState('p'); } }); // key: pre -> taTranslations[key].tooltip, taTranslations[key].buttontext taRegisterTool('pre', { buttontext: 'pre', tooltiptext: taTranslations.pre.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("formatBlock", "

        activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryFormatBlockState('pre'); }
    taRegisterTool('ul', {
        iconclass: 'fa fa-list-ul',
        tooltiptext: taTranslations.ul.tooltip,
        action: function () {
            return this.$editor().wrapSelection("insertUnorderedList", null);
        activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryCommandState('insertUnorderedList'); }
    taRegisterTool('ol', {
        iconclass: 'fa fa-list-ol',
        tooltiptext: taTranslations.ol.tooltip,
        action: function () {
            return this.$editor().wrapSelection("insertOrderedList", null);
        activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryCommandState('insertOrderedList'); }
    taRegisterTool('quote', {
        iconclass: 'fa fa-quote-right',
        tooltiptext: taTranslations.quote.tooltip,
        action: function () {
            return this.$editor().wrapSelection("formatBlock", "
"); }, activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryFormatBlockState('blockquote'); } }); taRegisterTool('undo', { iconclass: 'fa fa-undo', tooltiptext: taTranslations.undo.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("undo", null); } }); taRegisterTool('redo', { iconclass: 'fa fa-repeat', tooltiptext: taTranslations.redo.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("redo", null); } }); taRegisterTool('bold', { iconclass: 'fa fa-bold', tooltiptext: taTranslations.bold.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("bold", null); }, activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryCommandState('bold'); }, commandKeyCode: 98 }); taRegisterTool('justifyLeft', { iconclass: 'fa fa-align-left', tooltiptext: taTranslations.justifyLeft.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("justifyLeft", null); }, activeState: function (commonElement) { /* istanbul ignore next: */ if (commonElement && commonElement.nodeName === '#document') return false; var result = false; if (commonElement) result = commonElement.css('text-align') === 'left' || commonElement.attr('align') === 'left' || ( commonElement.css('text-align') !== 'right' && commonElement.css('text-align') !== 'center' && commonElement.css('text-align') !== 'justify' && !this.$editor().queryCommandState('justifyRight') && !this.$editor().queryCommandState('justifyCenter') ) && !this.$editor().queryCommandState('justifyFull'); result = result || this.$editor().queryCommandState('justifyLeft'); return result; } }); taRegisterTool('justifyRight', { iconclass: 'fa fa-align-right', tooltiptext: taTranslations.justifyRight.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("justifyRight", null); }, activeState: function (commonElement) { /* istanbul ignore next: */ if (commonElement && commonElement.nodeName === '#document') return false; var result = false; if (commonElement) result = commonElement.css('text-align') === 'right'; result = result || this.$editor().queryCommandState('justifyRight'); return result; } }); taRegisterTool('justifyFull', { iconclass: 'fa fa-align-justify', tooltiptext: taTranslations.justifyFull.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("justifyFull", null); }, activeState: function (commonElement) { var result = false; if (commonElement) result = commonElement.css('text-align') === 'justify'; result = result || this.$editor().queryCommandState('justifyFull'); return result; } }); taRegisterTool('justifyCenter', { iconclass: 'fa fa-align-center', tooltiptext: taTranslations.justifyCenter.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("justifyCenter", null); }, activeState: function (commonElement) { /* istanbul ignore next: */ if (commonElement && commonElement.nodeName === '#document') return false; var result = false; if (commonElement) result = commonElement.css('text-align') === 'center'; result = result || this.$editor().queryCommandState('justifyCenter'); return result; } }); taRegisterTool('indent', { iconclass: 'fa fa-indent', tooltiptext: taTranslations.indent.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("indent", null); }, activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryFormatBlockState('blockquote'); }, commandKeyCode: 'TabKey' }); taRegisterTool('outdent', { iconclass: 'fa fa-outdent', tooltiptext: taTranslations.outdent.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("outdent", null); }, activeState: function () { return false; }, commandKeyCode: 'ShiftTabKey' }); taRegisterTool('italics', { iconclass: 'fa fa-italic', tooltiptext: taTranslations.italic.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("italic", null); }, activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryCommandState('italic'); }, commandKeyCode: 105 }); taRegisterTool('underline', { iconclass: 'fa fa-underline', tooltiptext: taTranslations.underline.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("underline", null); }, activeState: function () { return this.$editor().queryCommandState('underline'); }, commandKeyCode: 117 }); taRegisterTool('strikeThrough', { iconclass: 'fa fa-strikethrough', tooltiptext: taTranslations.strikeThrough.tooltip, action: function () { return this.$editor().wrapSelection("strikeThrough", null); }, activeState: function () { return document.queryCommandState('strikeThrough'); } }); taRegisterTool('clear', { iconclass: 'fa fa-ban', tooltiptext: taTranslations.clear.tooltip, action: function (deferred, restoreSelection) { var i; this.$editor().wrapSelection("removeFormat", null); var possibleNodes = angular.element(taSelection.getSelectionElement()); // remove lists var removeListElements = function (list) { list = angular.element(list); var prevElement = list; angular.forEach(list.children(), function (liElem) { var newElem = angular.element('

'); newElem.html(angular.element(liElem).html()); prevElement.after(newElem); prevElement = newElem; }); list.remove(); }; angular.forEach(possibleNodes.find("ul"), removeListElements); angular.forEach(possibleNodes.find("ol"), removeListElements); if (possibleNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li') { var _list = possibleNodes[0].parentNode.childNodes; var _preLis = [], _postLis = [], _found = false; for (i = 0; i < _list.length; i++) { if (_list[i] === possibleNodes[0]) { _found = true; } else if (!_found) _preLis.push(_list[i]); else _postLis.push(_list[i]); } var _parent = angular.element(possibleNodes[0].parentNode); var newElem = angular.element('

'); newElem.html(angular.element(possibleNodes[0]).html()); if (_preLis.length === 0 || _postLis.length === 0) { if (_postLis.length === 0) _parent.after(newElem); else _parent[0].parentNode.insertBefore(newElem[0], _parent[0]); if (_preLis.length === 0 && _postLis.length === 0) _parent.remove(); else angular.element(possibleNodes[0]).remove(); } else { var _firstList = angular.element('<' + _parent[0].tagName + '>'); var _secondList = angular.element('<' + _parent[0].tagName + '>'); for (i = 0; i < _preLis.length; i++) _firstList.append(angular.element(_preLis[i])); for (i = 0; i < _postLis.length; i++) _secondList.append(angular.element(_postLis[i])); _parent.after(_secondList); _parent.after(newElem); _parent.after(_firstList); _parent.remove(); } taSelection.setSelectionToElementEnd(newElem[0]); } // clear out all class attributes. These do not seem to be cleared via removeFormat var $editor = this.$editor(); var recursiveRemoveClass = function (node) { node = angular.element(node); if (node[0] !== $editor.displayElements.text[0]) node.removeAttr('class'); angular.forEach(node.children(), recursiveRemoveClass); }; angular.forEach(possibleNodes, recursiveRemoveClass); // check if in list. If not in list then use formatBlock option if (possibleNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'li' && possibleNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'ol' && possibleNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'ul') this.$editor().wrapSelection("formatBlock", "default"); restoreSelection(); } }); taRegisterTool('insertImage', { iconclass: 'fa fa-picture-o', tooltiptext: taTranslations.insertImage.tooltip, action: function () { var imageLink; imageLink = $window.prompt(taTranslations.insertImage.dialogPrompt, 'http://'); if (imageLink && imageLink !== '' && imageLink !== 'http://') { return this.$editor().wrapSelection('insertImage', imageLink, true); } }, onElementSelect: { element: 'img', action: taToolFunctions.imgOnSelectAction } }); taRegisterTool('insertVideo', { iconclass: 'fa fa-youtube-play', tooltiptext: taTranslations.insertVideo.tooltip, action: function () { var urlPrompt; urlPrompt = $window.prompt(taTranslations.insertVideo.dialogPrompt, 'https://'); if (urlPrompt && urlPrompt !== '' && urlPrompt !== 'https://') { videoId = taToolFunctions.extractYoutubeVideoId(urlPrompt); /* istanbul ignore else: if it's invalid don't worry - though probably should show some kind of error message */ if (videoId) { // create the embed link var urlLink = "https://www.youtube.com/embed/" + videoId; // create the HTML // for all options see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068344/how-do-i-get-a-youtube-video-thumbnail-from-the-youtube-api // maxresdefault.jpg seems to be undefined on some. var embed = ''; // insert return this.$editor().wrapSelection('insertHTML', embed, true); } } }, onElementSelect: { element: 'img', onlyWithAttrs: ['ta-insert-video'], action: taToolFunctions.imgOnSelectAction } }); taRegisterTool('insertLink', { tooltiptext: taTranslations.insertLink.tooltip, iconclass: 'fa fa-link', action: function () { var urlLink; urlLink = $window.prompt(taTranslations.insertLink.dialogPrompt, 'http://'); if (urlLink && urlLink !== '' && urlLink !== 'http://') { return this.$editor().wrapSelection('createLink', urlLink, true); } }, activeState: function (commonElement) { if (commonElement) return commonElement[0].tagName === 'A'; return false; }, onElementSelect: { element: 'a', action: taToolFunctions.aOnSelectAction } }); taRegisterTool('wordcount', { display: '
', disabled: true, wordcount: 0, activeState: function () { // this fires on keyup var textElement = this.$editor().displayElements.text; /* istanbul ignore next: will default to '' when undefined */ var workingHTML = textElement[0].innerHTML || ''; var noOfWords = 0; /* istanbul ignore if: will default to '' when undefined */ if (workingHTML.replace(/\s*<[^>]*?>\s*/g, '') !== '') { noOfWords = workingHTML.replace(/<\/?(b|i|em|strong|span|u|strikethrough|a|img|small|sub|sup|label)( [^>*?])?>/gi, '') // remove inline tags without adding spaces .replace(/(<[^>]*?>\s*<[^>]*?>)/ig, ' ') // replace adjacent tags with possible space between with a space .replace(/(<[^>]*?>)/ig, '') // remove any singular tags .replace(/\s+/ig, ' ') // condense spacing .match(/\S+/g).length; // count remaining non-space strings } //Set current scope this.wordcount = noOfWords; //Set editor scope this.$editor().wordcount = noOfWords; return false; } }); taRegisterTool('charcount', { display: '
', disabled: true, charcount: 0, activeState: function () { // this fires on keyup var textElement = this.$editor().displayElements.text; var sourceText = textElement[0].innerText || textElement[0].textContent; // to cover the non-jquery use case. // Caculate number of chars var noOfChars = sourceText.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/^\s+/g, ' ').replace(/\s+$/g, ' ').length; //Set current scope this.charcount = noOfChars; //Set editor scope this.$editor().charcount = noOfChars; return false; } }); }]);